10 tips for studying in Spain


10 tips for studying in Spain

Would you like to study in Spain? Are you looking for the right university and need advice on how to organise your adventure? Take a close look at the 10 tips below.

Tip N°1 Laura's Tip

Choose your course carefully

You want to be an architect, apply to architecture; you want to be a dentist, apply to dentistry; you want to be a physiotherapist, apply to physiotherapy, etc. The only thing we can’t help you with is ‘I want to study anything in Spain: dentistry, medicine, physiotherapy…’.

Imagine Spain as your future profession: you need to give yourself the means to do what you need to do to be admitted and study for it.


Did you want to study in Spain with this level of language? Well, you were wrong! Your A2/B1 level really isn’t good enough!

Oh, you’d rather study in English? But what about your future patients? Do they speak English? Can you imagine speaking Spanish at your dentist’s/or physiotherapist’s in the UK? No? Well, Spanish people don’t speak English at the doctor’s either!


Tip N°2 Antoine's Tip

Focus on your Spanish

Tip N°3 Paul's Tip

Watch out for the blah, blah, blah!

“I can go and study in Spain on my own and without help, or anyway I can ask ‘Pépito’”…”Oh, I’ve also heard of ‘Pépita’, they send my application to the universities free of charge.”

So, spoiler alert: All the organisations send applications to universities free of charge!

But choosing the right specialist gives you the chance to find the right university for you without wasting time on pointless procedures.

If you’ve chosen the right one, you’ll benefit from personalised services and advice , otherwise…


“Madrid, Valencia, the Canaries, Valladolid, Portugal, Romania, Lithuania…. I’m going to apply everywhere, so I’m sure I’ll get a spot!”

What about applying ONLY to the university that matches your profile (language level, academic profile, financial situation, admissions process)?


Tip N°4 Manon's Tip


Tip N°5 Raphaël's Tip

Go and check it out!

“But I can do everything from a distance! Also, I’ve got no time to waste… Why go? There’s no point!”

Well, it does! It helps you to think about yourself, to project yourself, to make real a project that’s still a long way off!


Everyone told you that you had to start the process in December (some even told you that it would be 1st come = 1st served!!!) and to do it as quickly as possible because in January there’s no more room!

Who is ‘everyone’? The forums?

FALSE! You have time to think about your plans and prepare for the admissions process. In fact, that’s the best thing you can do. There’s plenty of room in Spain. So first think about which university is right for you and prepare yourself so that you have the best possible chance of getting in.


Tip N°6 Jade's Tip

Don't rush!

Tip N°7 Sabrina's Tip

Be 120% committed

Living and studying in Spain is a real challenge. With its very good sides… but also its more difficult moments, sometimes also very difficult to overcome. Only your motivation will keep you going when the time comes to ask THE question that everyone has asked themselves at least once: ‘What am I doing here?


Yes, I’m talking to you, future student! Mum and Dad have always done everything for you. Why not send them to study in Spain too? “That’s ok, I’ll get on a plane in September and that’ll be that…”

Once again, NO! Getting involved in your own study project means planning ahead and preparing to be independent. Because once you’re in Madrid, Valencia or wherever, you’ll be on your own and you’ll have to fend for yourself.


Tip N°8 Samuel's Tip

Get involved!

Tip N°9 Thomas' Tip

Think carefully before booking

Sometimes you have to listen to yourself. And if you don’t feel it, don’t go. Are you really ready to leave your family, friends, dogs, cats and goldfish, behind? That’s the question.

It’s better to postpone your plans for a year, or cancel them altogether if you don’t feel like it.

There are worse things than not studying in Spain (although… it’s still a very pleasant life…): failing your studies in Spain.


Are you in the middle of the admissions process? Or have you already been admitted? Don’t forget to check your emails and Spams REGULARLY. That’s how all the information is transmitted. And no, Instagram and Snapchat won’t help you get into a university. Some students have lost their spot because they didn’t read their emails, so watch out!


Tip N°10 Lola's Tip

Read your emails!

Bonus Tip Nathalie's Tip

You need to be able to afford it

“I’ll see when I’ve been accepted somewhere…”. NO! Do things in the right order! Consult your bank, your parents (sometimes these are the same people), your grandparents… in short, consult and get guarantees! Don’t be like some people who give up in August for lack of funding… or, even worse, like others who were pushed by other unscrupulous organisations or didn’t want to follow our advice and left anyway, but had to stop halfway through their course, without a diploma and completely out of money,


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