Administrative formalities
The Credencial application What is it?
The Credencial is requested online from the UNED website.
Some of our partner universities in Spain do this for students, such as CEU San Pablo and UAX. If the university to which the student is admitted and enrolled does not do this for the student, such as UCAM, UEC, UEM, UEV, UEMC or UFV, the student must do it him/herself.
The ECTS application ECTS: what is it?
If you’re going to study in Spain while you’re still at university, the application of the Bologna agreements will enable you to have your level of study recognised and validated through the European Credits Transfer System (ECTS), which was developed to make it easier to study in any member country of the European Union.
Institutions may ask you for a sworn translation of the official documents certifying that you have obtained your credits, as well as the content of each of these credits. Don’t be offended by this, as it reflects the seriousness of the establishment asking you for these documents, especially if it is a private establishment.
Regardless of when you go to university in Spain, you will receive a diploma at the end of your studies. For certain professions (medical and paramedical in particular), recognition of its conformity in other countries will determine the possibility of obtaining the right to practise that profession in your own country.
If the diploma you wish to obtain is the result of training that complies with European Directive 2005/36/EC of 7 September 2005 (OJ L255 of 30.09.2005) on the recognition of European qualifications, recognition will be automatic. However, this does not mean that you will not have to take any administrative steps before practising your profession.
A certain number of ECTS credits are generally required for the recognition of a diploma issued by another member country of the European Union that is a signatory to the Bologna agreements.