What is PREMIUM+ support? How can FEEduc help you with your project?
Our PREMIUM+ support service is dedicated to students wishing to enter a public university in Spain.
To access it, you must first subscribe to the PREMIUM.
This support is not available to students who have not yet obtained their A-levels and are currently in their final year of high school, as the A-levels result is essential to accurately assess their chances of admission.
Nor will it be offered if the students wants to do a Masters or an ECTS equivalence.

Step 1
Depending on your profile, he or she will ask you to send in your first and last year reports, as well as your A-levels results.
This will enable us to carry out a preliminary study of your file and determine whether you have a chance of admission to a public university in Spain.

Step 2
On the other hand, if your grades are good enough, we'll set up a meeting with you to present our PREMIUM+ support service and its cost estimate in detail.

Step 3
We'll then be able to start working together to help you find your way around Spain's public universities.
What specific services does FEEDUC offer to help you get into a public university in Spain?
PREMIUM+ offers three levels of service.
They can be subscribed to separately, but you won’t be able to move up to level 2 without having taken level 1, nor access level 3 without having taken levels 1 and 2. This enables us to guarantee quality support throughout your project.
LEVEL 1 - PREMIUM+ SUPPORT Detailed feasibility study of your project
This survey will tell you which of the public universities we have selected are likely to accept you, and according to what criteria (certified level of Spanish, PCE exams, etc.).
Thanks to this study, you’ll save an enormous amount of time by directly targeting universities where your chances of admission are real. You’ll receive a detailed report specifying the universities to which you would have been admitted in previous years, as well as the requirements for admission (“Nota de corte”, PCE subjects and grades, possibility of access via “reconocimiento de asignaturas”, etc.).
These personalised recommendations will give you a clear vision of what lies ahead and what you need to do to maximise your chances of success.
LEVEL 2 - PREMIUM+ SUPPORT The Credencial and the "Nota de admisión"
With FEEduc’s PREMIUM support, you can apply for a basic 10-point credencial, which is enough to get you into a private university in Spain.
On the other hand, the Credencial application that will help you increase your individual grade is graded on 14 points and is therefore much more complex to obtain.
In this phase of our support, we’ll help you register for the PCE exams or complete a “Reconocimiento de asignaturas” to obtain your final mark out of 14, your “Nota de admisión”.
LEVEL 3 - PREMIUM+ SUPPORT Send your application
We can take care of applying to the universities of your choice.
We’ll take care of your application until you receive your admission decision.
If you’re accepted, it’s then up to you to finalise your enrolment at the chosen university, respecting the conditions and deadlines they’ll give you.
How much does PREMIUM+ support cost?
Each service costs €1,000. After offering you our Premium+ support, we’ll invite you to a one-to-one meeting to discuss the terms and conditions of this support and provide you with a personalized quote.
At the end of this interview, you’re free to decide whether or not you’d like to subscribe to our Premium+ support.
As this is a paid service, we will only offer you our services if, after evaluating your file, we feel that your profile offers real chances of success for this project and that we can offer you quality support tailored to your needs.

Sounds expensive?

What's more, by only applying to the right universities, you increase your chances of admission.
You'll soon realise that it's a worthwhile investment!
And if you compare the cost of our PREMIUM+ support with the savings you can make on tuition fees, you'll understand the importance of optimising your chances of admission to the public university system in Spain.
Choose peace of mind and increase your chances of success!
Choosing FEEDUC support means:
- Gaining peace of mind and serenity
- The guarantee of a timely process
- The guarantee of the respect of the procedures
- Optimising your chances of admission
Your admission to a public university in Spain will therefore depend solely on your academic record, and not on whether you have understood or implemented the procedures correctly.