Dentistry in Spain

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Studying for a dentistry training in Spain

Become a dentist by training in Spain

How is dentistry training in Spain?

The training takes place over five years. The academic curriculum is recognized within the framework of the Bologna agreements, which allows for professional integration in other countries of the European Union.

The students do theory and practical work first on mannequins and then, often, on other students in their class and finally on patients in the clinic. As the years go by, the number of practical hours increases and the complexity of the treatments they perform increases.

From the third year onwards, dental students begin clinical practice. Some universities offer the beginning of the curriculum in English, but from this third year onwards the relationship with the patient will require a minimum level of B2 in Spanish in order not to compromise either the safety of the patient or the quality of the relationship with the person to whom the care is given.

Without neglecting the pre-clinical internships in the campus laboratories, from the third to the fifth year of studies, the number of hours of clinical internships is constantly increasing and students have the opportunity to carry out increasingly complex treatments, with the aim of mastering their professional practice a little better each day.

The universities in which we offer you to study dentistry in Spain provide you with the latest materials and treatment techniques. They all have a highly efficient and well attended university dental clinic where you will do most of your practice.

You, future graduates in dentistry, will be able to practice in the sector you have chosen, as soon as you finish your studies, both in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and problems related to the teeth, mouth, jawbones, etc.

From the first day of your dental studies, you are considered a dentist. You must take on the tasks of a professional whose goal is to become, every day, through his work and his investment in the learning of his profession, the person of confidence that your future patients in dentistry expect.

What will you study during your dentistry studies?

During your dentistry studies in Spain you study: dentistry, anatomy, biochemistry, immunology, macrobiology, pharmacy, radiology, microbiology, anesthesia, dietetics, psychology, communication, marketing, health topics in English… This dental training requires a lot of effort, perseverance, investment to become a competent dentist recognized by his patients and peers.

You haven’t been admitted in a dentistry degree for this year?

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Our Partner Universities for your dentistry studies in Spain

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