Study in a School of Architecture in Spain Architectural studies in Spain
Why study Architecture in Spain?
FEEDUC recommends studying architecture in Spain for the very high level of training offered in this field.
The schools of architecture in Spain are integrated within the universities. The courses are very technical and require a good level of mathematics and physics. This does not exclude having an artistic sensitivity and a good level of drawing skills. These skills will be learned from the first year and deepened throughout the course which lasts between 5 and 6 years depending on the university.
Architectural studies are for creative and enthusiastic people who love to imagine and design spaces and cities.
As in many countries in the European Union, in Spain you will have to get a master’s degree to be able to sign projects as an architect. Therefore, it takes more than 5 years of studies to become an architect.
The Architecture degree obtained in a Spanish university is recognised in the European Union and will allow you to practice in any country of the European Union and even in the United States if you study at the CEU San Pablo of Madrid or at the Universidad Europea of Madrid, as the degrees from these two universities are accredited by the NAAB (National Architectural Accrediting Board).
What degree do you need to become an Architect?
To train in the field of architecture in Spain, there are a lot of possibile degrees. Here is the list of degrees in the field of architecture that you can find at our partner universities:
- Architecture Degree
- Architecture Degree + Master of Architecture
- Architecture Degree + Interior design
- Architecture Degree + expert unofficial diploma in new architectural technologies
- Architecture Degree + unofficial master’s degree in interior design
- Unofficial Diploma in Energy Efficiency and Building Sustainability
- Unofficial Diploma in Digital Fabrication for Architecture
- Unofficial diploma in somatics for architecture and landscape
- Double Degree in Construction and Business Administration and Management
- Degree of Edification
- Degree in Technical Architecture and Building
- Degree in Technical Architecture and Urban Planning
- Degree in Technical Architecture
What are the qualities required to work in Architecture?
To become a good architect, the student should have the following qualities:
- Ability to do manual work, such as making models.
- Knowledge of digital and computer programmes.
- Ability to make freehand drawings.
- Knowledge of physics and mathematics.
- Good observation skills.
- Ability to communicate in written, oral and graphic forms.
- Ability to analyze and synthesize.
- Interest in arts, culture, sociology, psychology among others.
- Ability to build three-dimensional objects with materials such as cardboard, paper, plastic, etc.
- Organization skills.
- Attend architecture conferences to keep up to date with the latest developments in the field.
What are the job opportunities after studying Architecture in Spain?
To study architecture in Spain means to choose a course of excellence, international professional opportunities and a very technical training.
Architecture studies lead to many professions such as architect, urban planner, landscape designer, interior decorator, architecture mediator, researcher, teacher…
Students who have studied architecture in Spain will have a very good professional network thanks to the faculty of each university and the many internships they’ll do during their studies.
What is the employment rate for students who have studied architecture in Spain?
In terms of employment rates for architecture studies in Spain in our partner universities, this can vary between 27% and 56% as this sector has been in a crisis for several years. In European Union countries, the employability rate for an architect graduate varies between 83% and 85%, which is why studying architecture in Spain and working in a European Union country is the ideal option.
What level of Spanish do universities require to study architecture in Spain?
The minimum language level required to start studying architecture in Spain is B1 and even B2 for the Universidad de Nebrija.
The language level is very important in Spanish schools of architecture, as it is essential to be able to understand courses, do internships and succeed in your studies.
In which language can you study architecture in Spain?
The majority of courses in Spain are in Spanish. A high level of Spanish (B1 minimum) is necessary to be able to understand all the courses as soon as you arrive in Spain.
The Universidad Europea de Madrid offers courses either 100% in Spanish or 85% in English and 15% in Spanish. The Universidad CEU San Pablo offers an architecture course 100% in English and a course 100% in Spanish.
In which city in Spain can you study architecture?
In geographical terms, FEEDUC offers several public and private universities in Spain.
To study architecture at a private university, FEEDUC has selected five partner universities in Madrid and one in Tenerife.
As for public universities, FEEDUC offers architectural studies in Madrid, Zaragoza, Valladolid, Valencia and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. For more information on how to apply to a public university in Spain, please click on this link.
What are the best schools of architecture in Spain?
Here is a list of the best private universities in Spain:
- University Alfonso X el Sabio
- Universidad Europea de Madrid
- Universidad Europea de Canarias
- Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
- Universidad CEU San Pablo
- Universidad Nebrija
As for public universities, here is the list of the best ones in Spain:
- Universidad Carlos III
- Universidad de Alcalá de Henares
- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Universidad de Zaragoza
- Universidad de Valladolid
- Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria
How to apply and have the best chances to be admitted in a school of architecture in Spain?
Whether at a Spanish public university or a private university, FEEDUC offers two types of support:
- Our support is for students who want to apply to a private Spanish university
- But if you wish, we can give you a quote to help you join a public university in Spain.
Find the details of our offer here.
In both cases, we will help you with the administrative procedures and paperwork and give you the best advice to succeed in your studies.
5 reasons to study architecture in Spain
- The prestige of Spanish schools of architecture in the professional world
- The quality of the teaching and their very technical approach to architecture
- NAAB certification in the case of UEM and CEU San Pablo and their MIT-certified FabLab
- Project-Based Learning methodology: learning by practicing theory in projects throughout the years
- Links with the professional world to create an international network
What will you learn during your architectural studies in Spain?
During your architectural studies in Spain, you will build models, draw plans on paper or digitally. You’ll work with all types of materials, study Architecture techniques and the basics of construction. You will learn the techniques of the different trades related to building construction sites.
You’ll also learn about the history and theories of Architecture, as well as arts, technologies and humanities. Urban planning will also be key in your education.
You will attend conferences, participate in study trips, and will have the opportunity to participate in national and international Architecture competitions. You will also have the opportunity to do internships abroad (Asia, North and South America, etc.).
Throughout the years, you will consolidate your theoretical knowledge by participating in concrete projects and in professional collaborations with private and institutional partners.
In our partner universities, you will benefit from the most innovative technologies and facilities, such as digital construction laboratories (FabLab), workshops for Architecture projects, urban planning, and form analysis, as well as numerous laboratories for construction materials, geology and geotechnics, and physics. The teachers are among the best architects, engineers and artists…. You will assist them in their projects to start your first professional experiences and to start building on your CV.
Some FabLabs (construction labs) are approved by the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and thus guarantee exceptional working conditions.
Over the years, you will build up your portfolio, which will be your best CV to integrate the most prestigious Architecture firms.
In addition, our partner universities that offer Architecture studies are very international universities that will allow you to travel and do your internships in world-renowned companies.
What is the teaching method for architectural studies in Spain?
To enable their students to learn, our partner universities place great emphasis on the practical part and you will be put in a situation from the beginning of your first year of study. The methodology is based on projects in which you’ll learn everything you need to become an excellent professional.
Architecture students combine the creative and artistic side with the technical and scientific side of architectural studies through modern and versatile academic programmes.
As an Architecture student in Spain, you will participate in national and international Architecture and design competitions under the supervision of your teachers.
The facilities at our partner universities in Spain are of the highest quality and offer students the best working conditions.
Accreditations and diplomas in our partner universities
If you decide to study at Universidad Europea or CEU San Pablo in Madrid, both universities’ degrees are accredited by the National Architecture Accrediting Board (NAAB). This allows students to practice as architects in the United States and guarantees excellent quality of education and international career opportunities. It is a guarantee of quality!
In 2019, the Universidad Europea de Madrid has obtained – for the studies of Bachelor and Master of Architecture – the validation of the Royal Institute of British Architecture (RIBA). RIBA is the most prestigious association of architects in the world that has been highlighting the quality education of architects since 1837. Most of the world’s most renowned architects belong to this association.
At Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, with the degree in Architecture, you will get an unofficial degree in new Architecture technologies. With this degree, you will learn to manage programs and the latest technologies in their FabLab.
Along with the Architecture degree, the Universidad CEU San Pablo also offers an unofficial degree in interior design, but in this specific field, what really counts is the knowledge acquired, more than the formality of this additional course.